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The Role of Security in Advancing Trans-Atlantic Integration

Autor: Florian Coldea

ISBN: 9789737116444

An apariție: 2023

Nr. pagini: 170

Format: 23,5 x 15,5 cm

Limbă: engleză

Domeniu: Actualitate

Colecție: Cursuri universitare

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For the last 30 years, NATO and the EU have exerted an incontestable transformative power in Central and Eastern Europe – enhancing stability, prosperity and security not only in these countries, but also in Europe as a whole. Based on the lessons learned and the positive impact of its EU and NATO membership, Romania is one of the most active promoters of the Trans-Atlantic enlargement process, constantly supporting the accession steps of the Western Balkans and former Soviet partners through lobby in official formats, as well as effective support and direct transfer of expertise. 

“This book is welcome in both the academic, and professional landscape, not only because of the pragmatic way in which it presents the contribution of intelligence to the transformative process that Central and Eastern Europe underwent in order to embrace a Euro-Atlantic destiny, but also due to the author’s unique way of giving an international character to the lessons learned by our country in the process of Euro-Atlantic integration. Today, Romania enjoys an undisputed status as a full-fledged member of the great Euro-Atlantic family, as well as a strong track record for an impressive transformation from beneficiary to a reliable regional security provider.” – Ambassador GEORGE CRISTIAN MAIOR 


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