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Challenges of Modern Israel. Socio-Political Reality: Academic Perspectives

Autor: Liviu Rotman, Eugenia Mihalcea, Daniel Gheorghe (coordonatori)

ISBN: 9789737116383

An apariție: 2022

Nr. pagini: 362

Format: 18,5 x 23 cm

Cuvânt înainte: Remus Pricopie

Limbă: engleză/franceză

Domeniu: Actualitate

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This volume marks 10 years of the existence of the Center for Israeli Studies, a period of didactic efforts, research, searching for a specialplace on the map of scientific activit. We tried to cultivate a strictly academic perspective, in which the interest for objective research is combined with a strong creative spirit. The volume is the fruit of this research strategy.
The editors wanted a multidisciplinary approach, from different anglesof a highly complex reality, which is the Israeli political reality. We wanted and succeeded in gathering specialists from different fieldsfrom different university areas and above all from different generationof researchers. We managed to have with us from the generation of the founders of this discipline to young and very young researchers. In this context, we see in this volume a contribution to the continuity of Israeli studies. – LIVIU ROTMAN, “Theodor Herzl” Center for Israeli Studies, SNSPA

From the first moment of its existence, the geostrategic positioning of the State of Israel has transformed it into a nodal point of world politics. Therefore, Israeli Studies, of which this volume presents an excellent sample, are not only a particular and promising field of comparative politics, but also a mandatory exercise for understanding the contemporary world. And in this sense, the centers for Israeli Studies, such as the “Theodor Herzl” Center for Israeli Studies, play a fundamental role in the training of researchers and the development of a structured and applied academic approach to problems whose impressionistic analysis has often led to amateur approaches or the justification of erroneous public policies. – CRISTIAN PÎRVULESCU, Faculty of Political Science, SNSPA

As this volume shows clearly, the “Theodor Herzl” Center for Israeli Studies has become since its inception a significant center in the growinglandscape of Israeli studies in Europe and elsewhere. Enjoying the full support of the SNSPA and under a dynamic leadership, the Center has built up a large community of students, public personalities, members of the public. Its seminars, conferences, summer schools and other related activities have attracted the best participants from Romania, Israel and other countries, along with wide interest among the students and members of the public.The multidisciplinary and the objective, academic treatment of the issues presented, also in this volume, serve as a testimony to the well-deserved leading place of the Center in Israeli studies. We can look forward with optimism towards the next years of fruitful activities. – RAPHAEL VAGO, Tel-Aviv University

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